Knowing God's Will

By Ron Jones ©Titus Institute 2009

Sermon Outline PT. 1-3

How To Know God’s Will - Making Decisions God’s Way

Sermon Outline

First we looked at:

How does the Bible tell us to make decisions in moral areas of our lives?

1. Whatever God has revealed in the Bible is God’s moral will.
2. We are to discover what the Bible says and follow it.

We also talked about, and most importantly for this series:

How does the Bible tell us to make decisions in non-moral areas of our lives?

We looked at five principles:

Principle #1
We need to realize that in non-moral areas, we have freedom of choice with the
responsibility of exercising wisdom. As long as we stay within the moral limits God
has set in the Scriptures, and exercise wisdom, we should trust the Lord to lead us
toward or turn us away from that choice (if the Lord has chosen to work in another
way in our lives).

Principle #2
We need to commit ourselves to discovering God's revealed moral will in His Word and
following it.

Principle #3
We need to turn our attention to the Lord to rejoice in him and be thankful to him as
our first priority then lay our desires before him in trust and submission so that he
might accomplish our desires as he sovereignly wills.

Principle #4
We need to pray for wisdom and guidance and then make a plan for a decision based on
wisdom and trust the Lord to direct our steps.

Under this principle we saw four points:

1) We need to pray for wisdom in making decisions
2) We need to seek to make a wise decision.
3) We need to seek counsel from those who have wisdom.
4) We need to make a plan for a decision based on wisdom and trust the Lord to direct
our steps.

We also asked ourselves:

How does the Lord direct our steps?

We said:

1. The Lord provides or shuts off opportunities to implement our plan or part of it

2. The Lord brings additional information or advice into our lives that will cause us to
continue our plan or reexamine our plan

Lastly, we looked at

Principle #5
We need to seek to fulfill our plan or decision, waiting patiently for the Lord to direct
our steps according to the time frame that is necessitated by wisdom and circumstances.

For a more in-depth and extensive outline please click here.