Covid19 Pandemic

We are in a time of great difficulty as the world is trying to cope with the coronavirus. It is a time to strengthen our faith as believers in Jesus Christ and depend on God and pray and be a testimony to others. To help you do this, I have just published a free eBook, an adaptation of the "Attributes of God" by A.W. Pink consisting of 12 daily readings from the Bible. The link is on the left nav bar. It is important at this time to focus not on ourselves, but on our great sovereign and powerful God who loves us and listens and answers our prayers. Another great eBook with a link on the left is "Trusting Jesus My Shepherd." May God use his Word in all of our lives to encourage us at this time!

For an in-depth explanation on why God allows the COVID-19 virus and other causes of suffering for human beings, please read

God and the COVID-19 Pandemic Article

or watch

God and the COVID-19 Pandemic Video